Ladies and gentlemen!
We invite you to support the Baltic symphony orchestra.
If you are a passionate fan of classical music, your support can be a donation to the fund of the orchestra.
If you and your colleagues are convinced that the support of the Russian culture and the development of new musical trends in Russia is that socially responsible business, which should lead every major company in the market, we will be happy to tell everyone about your company as a partner of the Baltic symphony orchestra and will do our best to promote further strength of the reputation of your company in the Russian market and to popularize the brand among the general public and the media.
Our traditional sponsorship package includes:
• placement of your company's logo on all printed materials - posters, invitation cards, records, newsletters, brochures, etc.;
• placement of our company’s logo on banners, in the flash zone, press area ...;
• placement of informational materials about your company in the Orchestra’s press releases, positioning your company as sponsor at special events for the press;
• mentioning your company as a sponsor of the group by leaders of concerts
• placement of information about your company as a sponsor on the official website of the orchestra;
• mentioning your company as a sponsor of the Baltic symphony orchestra on TV and radio advertising of the of the orchestra’s concerts.
Sponsorship package can be complemented depending on the amount of support.
For more information about the Baltic symphony orchestra and co-operation with sponsors, please, send a request
to [email protected]
With all the best,
Evgeny Shchegolev
Director of Baltic symphony orchestra